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Tips to learn English - from an English teacher in higher education
13 novembre 2013

The best Brownies you've ever eaten

I know the recipe is given in French, but it's really one of my favourite. Easy to prepare and quick to cook, that's just perfect for a rainy Sunday with a hot afternoon tea, milk, no sugar. Taken but adapted from 'la cuisine de Malou' blog Ingrédient...
13 novembre 2013

A site with audios - easy to understand for a BTS first year

Hello everyone For my first message on the very first day of my first blog....I wanted to give you the reference of a site for improving listening comprehension. It's always a tough work for students, but regular practice will make it easily. Here are...
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Tips to learn English - from an English teacher in higher education
  • Everything to better understand English, learn, and get a better practice : current events, podcasts for listening comprehension, news... You'll also find some recipes, somes pics, and advice to prepare well for travelling across UK or Europe
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